Religious Education
Classes begin in September
For children and teens, grades K-11, looking to learn the Catholic Faith.

Religious education through St. Therese is available for children and teens in kindergarten through 6th grade.
All middle school/high school classes will be held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish.
Elementary school classes are held at both parishes.
Classes for children in K-6: @ St. Therese on Sunday mornings, 9:25 AM to 10:25 AM
Classes for teens in 6-11 grades: @ Mt. Carmel – For more details go to
First Communion is a 2 year program.
Confirmation is a 3 year program. Students wishing to be confirmed should enroll during Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years.
Any questions can be directed to:
Beth Sturino: (262) 705-9097 regarding (K-6 St. Therese questions)
Heather Schweitzer: (262) 925-3187 religiouseducation@
Please download the forms below:
Religious Education Registration (Grades K-6)
Religious Education Information
Other Required Forms:
General Consent Form for Child Photo, Video, and Audio Use
Content Consent Form (English)
Content Consent Form (Spanish)
Parent Guardian Opt-Out of Digital Communication Form:
Opt-Out Form (English)
Opt-Out Form (Spanish)
Please return the completed Registration Forms to the parish office.
Vacation Bible School
Marvelous Mysteries VBS is a wrap. This summer we had a pilot VBS with a new program and all agreed, it was a big success. All the children wished it was longer.
Special thank you to the dedicated team of leaders. These women, pictured in purple, are dedicated, loving, joyful, and kind, and are always ready to assist the Religious Education program of OLMC and ST.
Our teen volunteers, who are pictured in yellow, are amazing role models for our younger children. These teens led with grace, brought big fun to the table, and are well rounded kids who love Jesus and are not afraid to show it.
Our adorable elementary students are truly knowing, loving, and serving God. The level of knowledge that they have about their Catholic faith is stunning and a beautiful thing to witness.
Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who took the time to bring your children to VBS. You are doing well in running the good race and it shows in your children.
Stay tuned for more Youth events at Mt. Carmel and St. Therese.